Whole Child Development

At Wind & Tide, we nurture children to learn, grow and thrive through a holistic focus on personal development. We have shaped our philosophies, programs and curriculums to nurture the emotional, social, physical, cognitive and spiritual needs of children as individuals and global citizens.

In 2015, Wind & Tide celebrated our 30th Anniversary as an Educational Community. From 2015 to 2020, as a collective staff team we committed to focus on a distinct area of Whole Child Development. Each year, we crafted definitions for Wind & Tide's philosophy of care. Here is how we define our teaching opportunities for Emotional, Social, Physical, Cognitive and Spiritual Development with our children and families.

We facilitate Spiritual Development through the emerging, wondrous, understanding that:

a) all living things are connected;

b) all living things have inherent value;

c) we are all part of a bigger story.

We facilitate Physical Development through the emerging, wondrous, understanding that:

a) our body is a marvelous vessel;

b) our body needs wise care and attention;

c) our body does not define us.

We facilitate Cognitive Development through the emerging, wondrous, understanding that:

a) we never stop learning or ….the thoughts we feed shape the life we lead;

b) we are what we think;

c) curiosity sparks creativity, wonder sparks wisdom, and encouragement fans a blaze.

We facilitate Social Development through the emerging, wondrous, understanding that:

a) everyone belongs;

b) we treat others as we would wish to be treated;

c) joy comes through giving to others.

We facilitate Emotional Development through the emerging, wondrous, understanding that:

a) all emotions are valid and necessary;

b) there are no good or bad emotions;

c) we nurture mental health by making space for all the emotion in ourselves and in others.